Faith Statement
We believe that there is only one God, who has created all things for His glory and honor. This one God has manifested Himself to mankind as the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit indwelling and inspiring those who place their trust in Him.
We believe that God is love and that sacrificial love was shown to fallen humanity when the Father gave the Son to redeem all who believe on the Son.
We believe that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless human life, willingly took upon Himself all of our sins.
We believe that apart from Jesus Christ, all people are spiritually lost and, because of sin, deserve the judgment of God.
We believe in water baptism as a public profession of a person’s faith in Christ. We believe that according to scripture, this baptism includes complete immersion and is administrated in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that one must be born again to see and to enter the Kingdom of God.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is essential to salvation and convicts the world of sin and draws people to Christ.
We believe that the Bible is God’s unique and written revelation to people. It is the inspired, infallible Word of God.
We believe the Bible teaches that there is both a place called Heaven and Hell. The believer goes eternally to Heaven and the sinner eternally to Hell.
We believe that the church is the mystical body of Christ of which He is the head. The church is also a local congregation of believers who gather on a regular basis to worship, pray, preach, teach, encourage, and to systematically do good.